Life in Ancient Greece

      It's hard work being a student these days! What are some concerns or issues that affect your life from day to day? Maybe you don't feel like riding the bus to school today? Maybe you wish you didn't have to do chores?

      Well, what if you could snap your fingers and just like that you would be able to fly to school, or have the strength of ten thousand men! In ancient Greece, people believed in the worship of gods and goddesses who had great powers and were immortal. People also believed in elaborate stories or myths that described these gods and goddesses; this is referred to as ancient Greek mythology. To learn more about ancient Greek gods and goddesses, along with looks into an ancient society, sports, art, architecture, government and more- check out the rest of this website and enjoy your journey learning about Life in Ancient Greece!
 This site is devoted to providing students with education pertaining to life in ancient Greece as well as ancient Greek societies. It is important to learn and study ancient civilizations so that we may appreciate significant elements of life specific to a historical group of people. 

 The intended grade level which this site was designed for is
upper level elementary school (5-6 grade).

    After viewing and analyzing the many components surrounding "Life in Ancient Greece," students will be able to conceptualize key elements of ancient Greek civilization, including mythology, Athenian government, sports, food,and architecture. By gaining an understanding and appreciation for the culture, contributions and key elements of ancient Greek society.

Here are some video clips portraying elements of everyday life in Ancient Greece. Enjoy!

A brief layout of the concepts of this website; "Life in Ancient Greece"

Test Your Knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology!

Click Here to take the Greek Gods and Goddesses Challenge!

Or, click the tab up top.


In ancient Greece, people designed archways, homes and cities with mosaic artwork.

 Click here to learn how to make your own mosaic just like the Greeks!

Ancient Greek Mythology

Have you ever thought how fun it would be if you could fly? What if you had super-human strength that allowed you to do cool things that no one else could? In ancient Greece, people believed in gods and goddesses that had special powers like these...

Ancient Athenian Governments

In 510BC a new form of government was introduced in Athens. It was called Demokratia which meant "rule by the people." Can you guess which word we use today to describe a similar type of government?...

Sports in Ancient Greece

The earliest Olympic Games were held in about 776BC. In those days the only event was a short sprint, from one end of the stadium to the other. Gradually over the years more were added until there were four days of many different competitions...

Food in Ancient Greece

Along the coastline, soil was not fertile in ancient Greece. They grew olives, grapes, figs and nuts. They kept goats for milk and cheese and they grew wheat to make bread. Fish and seafood were popular as was wine with many meals. Red meat was rarely eaten because it was mostly used for religious sacrifice...

Architecture of Ancient Greece

Today, families live together under one roof. Sometimes families live among separate houses if parents are divorced or separated. Well, in ancient Greece, divorce was unheard of, however, men and women lived in separate parts of the house...

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Watch a Cool Video on Battles in Ancient Greece!

Checkout this cool video that shows viewers all about battles in ancient Greece!

Want to hear some ancient Greek music?

Click here to checkout an awesome video that not only shows pictures pertaining to life in ancient Greece, but it has cool Greek music to go along with it!


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This site was created by...

Caitlin O'Brien at Temple University
[email protected]
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Created November of 2007